
The SC-connector with a 2,5mm ceramic ferrules and snap (push-pull) coupling is one of the most used in many Telecom and Datacom applications. Because of its excellent performance it is one of the most used connector and is ideally suited for datacom and telecom applications including point to point and passive optical networking. Novobit SC connectors meet international standards IEC 61754-4 / TIA 604-3 and are RoHS/REACH compliant.

For Single Mode Novobit offers grade C, B and A with its patented 12-steps tuning process together with 30 degrees tunable connectors ensures excellent optical performances.

For MultiMode Novobit offers standard grade M quality and superior grade B quality for 40GbE and 100GbE solutions.

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Grade IL typical [dB] IL max [dB] Comment
Low Loss Singlemode 0,06 0,15 30 degree tuning
Singlemode 0,12 0,15 30 degree tuning
Multimode 0,20 0,15 30 degree tuning